Monday, September 24, 2007

4 hours and counting

4 hours to go and we will be on our way to HAWAII!!!!! I can't believe its actually here!! I had a pretty BUSY day!!! I got a phone call from my new job asking me to come in and meet the Executive Director. I made the interview for 2pm.

1:30pm - Go for the interview
2:30pm - Go to the bank
3:30pm - Line up daycare
5:00pm - fix dinner
6:30pm - give pickles a bath
7:30pm - pick up Gar
8:00pm - Cleaned bathroom/bedroom for the rents
9:00pm - ate a piece of cake!!!!!!! :)

Now I'm just counting down the time until we leave!! Of course Emma is waiting up with us! :) She's going to miss us I think! Abby on the other hand is PASSED OUT!!!!! :) I think we will go in and kiss her good bye!!! :( Actually, this is good bye until I get back from Hawaii!!

1 comment:

Christeeny said...

You're probably flying the friendly skies right now but YAY!!!!

Congrats on the new job & enjoy your vacay!