Sunday, September 16, 2007


Friday - We really didn't do anything. In fact, it was just a night to chill. Until we had to put Emma to bed. OMG - I'm not sure what is going on with her. She doesn't want to sleep in her room. We tried everything. Finally. she fell asleep.

Saturday - Didn't do much. Emma hung out with Gar! We grilled out. Everything was going good until we had to put Emma to bed. OMG - it was a battle. She was freaking out. We couldn't get her to calm down. It was 12am when she came downstairs and hung out with me and Gar. At this point I was SO upset I didn't know what to do. SO, Gar decided to let her sleep in our room. I'm thinking to myself, this is not going to be good (not good at all). I can't keep having this fight with her about sleeping in her own room. She gets way too upset and she cries. I thought we could let her cry until she would fall asleep... That doesn't work because she screams.. "MOMMY I WANT YOU!! MOMMY NO!!!" I thought this would be a battle when we got back from the beach. And of course it is. I've tried not to freak out on her because she is just a kid and doesn't really understand what she is doing. I think the worse part is that Gar doesn't really know what to do or have the patience to deal with her. So, I'm the one who gets to go up and "try" and get her to calm down and go to sleep in her own room. But of course it doesn't work. I know the little girl is EXHAUSTED from the crying and the screaming but she just doesn't want to go to sleep in her own room. Do I give her want she wants or do I try and stay strong?????

Sunday - We slept in late. We actually went out and looked at some houses. Just to see what was out there and how much. GOOD GRAVY! Gar and I saw one house that we just fell in love with. Of course it was at Crosspointe, Fairfax Station. This house was amazing. It was HUGE! I could totally see me living there. The ONLY problem is this. The house was $835,000.00. So, Gar and I have decided to sell some of our lungs or kidneys. Oh and play the lottery! Oh yeah, tonight Emma is asleep in our room. (no yelling, crying or mommy and daddy freaking out) WHAT AM I GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS???? I feel like such a horrible parent or that I'm doing something completely wrong. I know this a minor issue. I believe this is an attention thing. She wants mommy and daddy's attention... But bed time is not the time to do this. It just makes me upset. I get to the point where I just want to break down and start crying. (I actually have)
We both know that it will be worse when we get back from Hawaii. Spending time with my parents, Sue and Boon with totally screw them up. I'm totally dreading that. Okay, enough of me ranting about Emma....

TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 days! I can't wait to sleep!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Emma, it must be really tough, believe me I know...

I think you should make life easy on yourself and let her sleep in your room, until you get back from Hawaii, the focus on it.

I have some ideas that might help.

Let's do lunch as soon as you get back!