Thursday, September 13, 2007

what do you do when your 4 year old wants to sleep with you

Ever since we got back from the beach, Emma has been saying that she can't sleep in her bed. She wants to sleep in our room. I tell her that she can't and it turns into this HUGE battle. I know why she is acting like this. At the beach she slept with us and my parents. OMG-she's just screams her head off. I don't want to go back in her room because I know she is tired. Its going on 11 pm and she is still crying. I don't want her to wake up Abby.

This is totally heartbreaking.. "MOMMY WHY!!! MOMMY I NEED YOU!!! MOMMY I WANT YOU!!! MOMMY WHY!!!" soooo sad. What do I do??? Part of me is like OMG kid go to SLEEP!!!!! I know I should let her cry but its just hard b/c I really don't want her to wake up Abby. I want to save her but I just can't do this EVERY NIGHT... This is been happening! Part of me thinks this is all attention because she is still crying. WOW am I heartless?

I know she wants to be with us but she's a big girl and she needs her sleep. It just kills me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brendan is terrible with getting out of bed. We made a sticker chart, it has 10 empty boxes on it. He gets to put a sticker in one box per night. When he gets all 10 we do something like a trip to Chuck E Cheese, go see a movie, go bowling...something. If he gets out of bed for anything other than to use the bathroom or an emergency, he loses the sticker for that night. He seems to respond to it and after losing a sticker or two, he stayed in the bed.