Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 11

I'm a little late but better late than never. I sat there watching MSNBC. They were replaying the live Today Show on 9/11. I didn't ever get to see what was happening because like everyone I was at work. I listened to it on the radio. The worse part is that you couldn't see what was actually happening. Watching this for the first made my heart break all over again. I feel for all those families!

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. Gary was on his way to Crystal City. When the plane hit the pentagon, he was sitting at his desk talking to some co-workers about the twin towers. I just remember not being able to get a hold of him. Actually, you really couldn't a hold of anyone. It was pretty scary. I felt helpless and lost. I'm sure alot of people felt that way.

Even though it was 6 years ago, I feel like it happened yesterday. Let's us never ever take anyone for granted. Love, live and be happy. Stop sweating the small stuff! Even if you don't agree with why we are in Iraq, remember that the troopers are doing what they can to make us safe. I definitely support our troops! President Bush..... Well.. that's a different story....

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