Monday, September 10, 2007

Back from vacation

We are back from vacation. It was really cool. I got to meet my little nephew Alex. He's SO cute!! He has the biggest blue eyes. I think the best part was that I got to make him laugh. It was nice to see my brother too. Strange to see him as a daddy. He's a great dad. Just really strange.

We got to the beach house on Sunday. It was nice. We spent most of the time chilling at the beach and the pool. Emma went under in the ocean. She didn't like that too much. Abby did the same thing in the baby pool. She didn't like that to much either, but they both survived. Gar and the girls flew a kite, we looked for shells and just relaxed.

If you have ever been to Kiawah Island, you would know that there is wild life everywhere. There is this alligator that lives in one of the ponds near my parents beach house. So we went gator hunting. Gar likes to get out of the van and look in the pond up close. He decides to get out of the van and walks up to the brush next to one of the ponds. "Emma, do you want to see Daddy freak out?" "YES!" I had a piece of candy in my hand, I waited for Gar to get right next to the bush and I threw it in the bush. Gar thought it was an alligator. I have never ever seen Gar move so quick. He came running back to the van. I was crying with laughter. Emma thought it was the funniest thing EVER!!! He called me a jerk but it was so funny!! We also saw a deer. He was just chilling by the side of the road.

After we left the beach on Saturday, we headed to Camden SC for a wedding. My cousin's daughter was getting married. I'm getting so old! I remember when Melissa was Abbster's age. Even Emma's age. My cousin and his wife made the wedding cake. It was amazing!!! The girls had a blast dancing! They both have great rhythm (they get that from me)! Congrats Melissa and Todd!

That's pretty much my vacation. Now I'm back!!! YAY!! I know, everyone missed me! LOL :)

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