Monday, September 24, 2007

4 hours and counting

4 hours to go and we will be on our way to HAWAII!!!!! I can't believe its actually here!! I had a pretty BUSY day!!! I got a phone call from my new job asking me to come in and meet the Executive Director. I made the interview for 2pm.

1:30pm - Go for the interview
2:30pm - Go to the bank
3:30pm - Line up daycare
5:00pm - fix dinner
6:30pm - give pickles a bath
7:30pm - pick up Gar
8:00pm - Cleaned bathroom/bedroom for the rents
9:00pm - ate a piece of cake!!!!!!! :)

Now I'm just counting down the time until we leave!! Of course Emma is waiting up with us! :) She's going to miss us I think! Abby on the other hand is PASSED OUT!!!!! :) I think we will go in and kiss her good bye!!! :( Actually, this is good bye until I get back from Hawaii!!

New Job!!!!

I got it!!! I start my job on the 4th of October. A day after I get back from Hawaii. The pickles will start daycare on the 4th. We picked somewhere that was close to Gary's work and mine. I can't believe this is happening so fast. I'm pretty excited about this new challenge! I look forward to working at this association.

Last minute things

One more day until we go to Hawaii. My rents come this am, which will be good because I REALLY need to finish some stuff. I have so much on my mind, I woke up at 5:30 am.. I don't ever do that. At least I got my ipod fixed. We packed last night. Of course I have the large suitcase. (for some reason I have more crap to carry... I can never decide what to wear)

I'm nervous about flying. After having kids I get a little more freaked out. It's the fact that I'm not in control and it scares the crap out of me. I worry about who's going to take care of the girls. Gar and I have been having this debate. Definitely not the rents. Both sets have enough to worry about then 2 little ones. So this is the debate... His brother or my brother. Obviously, I would like Rob (my brother) to take care of them... And He of course wants Mark (his brother) to take care of them. Its a huge responsibility for both brothers. They both are young families now. I'm torn..... Part of me says okay fine... Mark has a good job and Rob does but still needs to be a little more financially stable. I love both or their wives. They both are great sets of parents.. If only I had a sister.... I did think about one of my best friends but I don't wan to burden them. The girls love her and she's great with kids but I know they would be in great hands but I think both sides of the family would FREAK! Things you think about when you wake up so dang early!

Still excited about my trip!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm totally excited about going to Hawaii! I do hate flying but I'm looking forwarded to going. There's so much I need to do. I typed up a schedule/things to know for the rents. (I know they won't listen but it sets my mind at ease... a little)

Reason for the trip: Gary and I have been married for 7 years on Sept. 30. He traveled there on business and from that point on, he wanted to take me there. I told him that if he wanted to do this.. He needed to plan everything. And he has.. I told him I wanted to do 3 things... Swim with the dolphins, visit a volcano, and go to a luau!!! He planned all three! I'm sure this will be a fun trip. No kids..... I know I'm going to miss my little crazy pickles! I'll take lots of pictures!!

I think the scariest thing that I'm freaking out about is..... The helicopter ride..... I hate flying to begin with.. Can you imagine me on a helicopter with NO DOORS!!!!!!!! It makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.... I'm sure we will be fine but did I mention the helicopter has NO DOORS!!!

We arrive on Tuesday around lunch, hop in our jeep and head to the bed and breakfast. We have a luau that night. Wednesday- we swim with the dolphins!!! WOOO HOO!! I'm very excited about this. Thursday-We are going to the volcanoes and site seeing. Friday-we fly to Maui. We arrive in Maui and head to the hotel! I'm sure what we do after that.... I'm sure he will have something planned for our anniversary. So, I told him that he needs to come up with 10 reasons why he loves me and I will do the same. On our anniversary we will tell them to each other.. (cheesy I know but hey!!)

Last thing.. Did I mention that the helicopter has NO DOORS!!!!! NO DOORS!!!!!

second interview

Today I had my second interview. I believe it went well... I hope to hear something tomorrow or by the end of the week. WISH ME LUCK!!

Daycares - OMG its expensive but we can totally do it. I'm just waiting for the go ahead with the job. :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Emma's a genius!

Today was pretty cool. Went to Sue and Boon's house (they are the ladies that came over from Thailand with my parents. They took care of me when I was Abby and Emma's age)

We were on our way to Target and Emma says.. "Mommy, there's Popeye's" "I'm like how do you know that??" Her response "Because I'm a GENIUS!" I just said "Yes Emma you are a genius!"

She is SO funny!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Friday - We really didn't do anything. In fact, it was just a night to chill. Until we had to put Emma to bed. OMG - I'm not sure what is going on with her. She doesn't want to sleep in her room. We tried everything. Finally. she fell asleep.

Saturday - Didn't do much. Emma hung out with Gar! We grilled out. Everything was going good until we had to put Emma to bed. OMG - it was a battle. She was freaking out. We couldn't get her to calm down. It was 12am when she came downstairs and hung out with me and Gar. At this point I was SO upset I didn't know what to do. SO, Gar decided to let her sleep in our room. I'm thinking to myself, this is not going to be good (not good at all). I can't keep having this fight with her about sleeping in her own room. She gets way too upset and she cries. I thought we could let her cry until she would fall asleep... That doesn't work because she screams.. "MOMMY I WANT YOU!! MOMMY NO!!!" I thought this would be a battle when we got back from the beach. And of course it is. I've tried not to freak out on her because she is just a kid and doesn't really understand what she is doing. I think the worse part is that Gar doesn't really know what to do or have the patience to deal with her. So, I'm the one who gets to go up and "try" and get her to calm down and go to sleep in her own room. But of course it doesn't work. I know the little girl is EXHAUSTED from the crying and the screaming but she just doesn't want to go to sleep in her own room. Do I give her want she wants or do I try and stay strong?????

Sunday - We slept in late. We actually went out and looked at some houses. Just to see what was out there and how much. GOOD GRAVY! Gar and I saw one house that we just fell in love with. Of course it was at Crosspointe, Fairfax Station. This house was amazing. It was HUGE! I could totally see me living there. The ONLY problem is this. The house was $835,000.00. So, Gar and I have decided to sell some of our lungs or kidneys. Oh and play the lottery! Oh yeah, tonight Emma is asleep in our room. (no yelling, crying or mommy and daddy freaking out) WHAT AM I GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS???? I feel like such a horrible parent or that I'm doing something completely wrong. I know this a minor issue. I believe this is an attention thing. She wants mommy and daddy's attention... But bed time is not the time to do this. It just makes me upset. I get to the point where I just want to break down and start crying. (I actually have)
We both know that it will be worse when we get back from Hawaii. Spending time with my parents, Sue and Boon with totally screw them up. I'm totally dreading that. Okay, enough of me ranting about Emma....

TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 days! I can't wait to sleep!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

what do you do when your 4 year old wants to sleep with you

Ever since we got back from the beach, Emma has been saying that she can't sleep in her bed. She wants to sleep in our room. I tell her that she can't and it turns into this HUGE battle. I know why she is acting like this. At the beach she slept with us and my parents. OMG-she's just screams her head off. I don't want to go back in her room because I know she is tired. Its going on 11 pm and she is still crying. I don't want her to wake up Abby.

This is totally heartbreaking.. "MOMMY WHY!!! MOMMY I NEED YOU!!! MOMMY I WANT YOU!!! MOMMY WHY!!!" soooo sad. What do I do??? Part of me is like OMG kid go to SLEEP!!!!! I know I should let her cry but its just hard b/c I really don't want her to wake up Abby. I want to save her but I just can't do this EVERY NIGHT... This is been happening! Part of me thinks this is all attention because she is still crying. WOW am I heartless?

I know she wants to be with us but she's a big girl and she needs her sleep. It just kills me.

Things look good!

WOW - It went really well! I believe I got it. It was really nice. The director and I hit it off. It looks like we will work well together.

Daycare - I'm on the hunt for daycare for the girls. I went to look at a couple of places today. I want them to be in the same place. I kind of wish we would go back to Brentwood but part of me doesn't. Emma would love it but some of her other friends have left. all these decisions. :)

I'm pretty excited about this! I like a challenge and this will definitely give me one. You know when you feel like things just fit.... That's how I feel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Job Interview

Tomorrow is the big day. Another job interview! YAY! Its for an association in Old Town. (where I really want to be) All my friends are in OT. I really hope this one works out. The last couple of interviews I've had, I've thought that I would be offered the job.. But it wasn't meant to be. And I do think things happen for a reason. They were just not the right places for me to be I guess.

I'm hoping this is the place for me. :) Wish me luck!

September 11

I'm a little late but better late than never. I sat there watching MSNBC. They were replaying the live Today Show on 9/11. I didn't ever get to see what was happening because like everyone I was at work. I listened to it on the radio. The worse part is that you couldn't see what was actually happening. Watching this for the first made my heart break all over again. I feel for all those families!

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. Gary was on his way to Crystal City. When the plane hit the pentagon, he was sitting at his desk talking to some co-workers about the twin towers. I just remember not being able to get a hold of him. Actually, you really couldn't a hold of anyone. It was pretty scary. I felt helpless and lost. I'm sure alot of people felt that way.

Even though it was 6 years ago, I feel like it happened yesterday. Let's us never ever take anyone for granted. Love, live and be happy. Stop sweating the small stuff! Even if you don't agree with why we are in Iraq, remember that the troopers are doing what they can to make us safe. I definitely support our troops! President Bush..... Well.. that's a different story....

Monday, September 10, 2007


So I didn't get the job. Its okay! I have another job interview on Thursday. It's in old town on Duke Street. I hope this one works out. I'm starting to feel like a loser. LOL SOMEONE HIRE ME!!! I'm a good employee!!!

Back from vacation

We are back from vacation. It was really cool. I got to meet my little nephew Alex. He's SO cute!! He has the biggest blue eyes. I think the best part was that I got to make him laugh. It was nice to see my brother too. Strange to see him as a daddy. He's a great dad. Just really strange.

We got to the beach house on Sunday. It was nice. We spent most of the time chilling at the beach and the pool. Emma went under in the ocean. She didn't like that too much. Abby did the same thing in the baby pool. She didn't like that to much either, but they both survived. Gar and the girls flew a kite, we looked for shells and just relaxed.

If you have ever been to Kiawah Island, you would know that there is wild life everywhere. There is this alligator that lives in one of the ponds near my parents beach house. So we went gator hunting. Gar likes to get out of the van and look in the pond up close. He decides to get out of the van and walks up to the brush next to one of the ponds. "Emma, do you want to see Daddy freak out?" "YES!" I had a piece of candy in my hand, I waited for Gar to get right next to the bush and I threw it in the bush. Gar thought it was an alligator. I have never ever seen Gar move so quick. He came running back to the van. I was crying with laughter. Emma thought it was the funniest thing EVER!!! He called me a jerk but it was so funny!! We also saw a deer. He was just chilling by the side of the road.

After we left the beach on Saturday, we headed to Camden SC for a wedding. My cousin's daughter was getting married. I'm getting so old! I remember when Melissa was Abbster's age. Even Emma's age. My cousin and his wife made the wedding cake. It was amazing!!! The girls had a blast dancing! They both have great rhythm (they get that from me)! Congrats Melissa and Todd!

That's pretty much my vacation. Now I'm back!!! YAY!! I know, everyone missed me! LOL :)