Monday, August 13, 2007

Mother of the year.. that's me

Okay, so today I should get the Mother of the Year award. I woke up at 9:45am.. Yes, that's correct... I said 9:45 am. Emma was keeping Abbster company. I think the sad part is that my husband woke me up. I felt so bad. You see, the pickles usually wake up at 7:30 am. That's when my day begins. For some reason, I was sooo exhausted that I didn't hear them at all. Or they were being very sweet and letting mommy sleep in. Needless to say... We are all off schedule.

So, now that my schedule is all thrown off... What do I do... I have errands to run and I can't because Abby is asleep. Oh well, such is life. I'm still in shock that I woke up so late. If you know me... You know I wake up early and I get my things done before 2pm. So, I can relax before I need to fix dinner for the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I long for the day when I can sleep until 7:30 am....try 4:30 am every day. Ugh....

Lunch was awesome on Sunday, thanks. And you owe me a pic of you know who.

Your site is quite cute, love the pickles! You should do a picture of pickles on there!