Thursday, August 16, 2007

One of the reasons why I love my oldest pickle

I was putting Emma to bed tonight and I realized how much I love this kid. Every night we read books. She reads one, I read one and daddy reads one. (when he's home and not working late) Anyways, tonight it was just me and Emma. It was nice to have this time with her.

I usually dread it b/c she plays me like a violin. "MOMMY DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP!!" she does this screaming/crying at the top of her lungs. Remember Abbster is sleeping in the next room. I usually get frustrated and start yelling (bad mom) but its like please don't wake up your sister...... Plus, at that point I'm tired and I just want to get it over with.. I know HORRIBLE MOMMY!!!

But tonight was different! Tonight it was cool to put her to bed. I actually enjoyed it. As I read her the story, she was asking me all these questions. She was SO animated and happy to have all my attention. I can see her smile and being happy before she goes to bed. Much better than the screaming/crying/whining... I realize that she just wants to be with me by herself. I also realized how much she actually loves me and wants to spend her time with me. I knew she loves me but I think its different when you look in her eyes and you can see it. How excited she was to read me her story. I know cheezy but I love her so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So touching and so nice that you had this with her last night. Always cherish these moments, they are the ones that make you feel whole inside forever. :-))