Sunday, August 12, 2007

The little pickles

Everyone knows what pickles are... But you haven't met mine. My pickles are my girls, Emma (4) and Abby (13 months). Why do I call them pickles you ask... Well, sometimes they can be sweet and sometimes they can be sour.

So here's my story: I've been a stay at home mom for the past 13 months. After Abby was born, we decided that I would stay home. We still had Emma in a pre-school. It was great.. Emma would go to "school" and it would be me and abbster.
Well, everything changed at the end of June. My husband and I decided to take Emma out of school for the summer and maybe forever... (well not forever but she would stay home with me) I was so sad to take her out. That's all she knew. Plus, she's made some awesome friends. My heart was breaking but I knew that we needed to do this. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. I have friends that stay home and I thought if they can do it.. I totally can but was I really cut out to be a stay at home mom?

Well, its been almost 2 months and I can safely say I'm doing okay. I have my good days and bad days. I think the hardest thing is to entertain Emma. These questions run through my head... Was it a good idea to take her out of a structured environment? Am I giving her the attention she needs/wants? Is she happy being at home with me and Abby? And am I a good mom? I know all these questions and doubts are just floating around my head everyday. I think the main question in my head is... Do I go back to work and put the pickles in daycare?
I do know one thing: All I can do is my best and that's what I'm doing. I take it one day at a time and cherish every moment with my kids. I realize that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. If Emma picks out something to wear and it doesn match... At least she put her clothes on herself. If Abbister wants to go into bathroom, and plays with the toilet paper... Don't sweat it :-)

1 comment:

Christeeny said...

I love your pickles! They're cute little gerkins.