Friday, August 31, 2007

Second interview

I think my interview went good today. They called my references. I'm not sure what that means. I over think everything and I'm trying really hard not to do that.... I'm just relaxing and breathing. Plus tomorrow is the day!!! I GO ON VACATION!!!!! WOO HOO! This will help me take my mind off the job thing.

I hope to hear from them at the end of next week. If I don't... it will be okay! (I'll be sad) but its okay. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Second interview

YAY!! I got a phone call for a second interview for tomorrow. First they wanted me to come in next week but I'll be on vacation. I told her that I could come in this week or it would have to wait until I got back. She called me back and asked me to come in tomorrow. YAY!! Now I need to think about daycare for the kids. This will definitely be a great opportunity. I had to send references too. :)

Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Interview waiting game.....

Today was the day... I had an interview. I think it went really well. I had a panel interview. Which is kind of intimidating. All these eyes are on you. But I did feel very comfortable and I was relaxed. It seemed like a good fit. Now its the waiting game. I don't mind waiting. I just hate it. :) I want to know now.. :)

I'm hoping to hear something soon in the next couple of days. Hopefully before I go to the beach. If I don't hear from them I'll be a little bummed but its okay. Even though I really want/need it.

If I did get it... I would need to find daycare for the pickles. LOL that will be a fun search. :)

Today, Lauren came over to watch the girls. OMG-When Emma and Tater get together its like a scream fest. OH LORD give me strength. I don't know how many times I had to tell them to lower their voices.... They are kids.(I just need to keep telling myself this! EVERY 2 MINUTES)

Its going to be a deja vu on Thursday!! GIVE ME STRENGTH!!! :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Too much to do before going to the beach!!!!! AAHhhhhhhhh

So we are going to the beach on Friday night. I can't seem to get my "S**t" together. This is a busy week for me.

Tuesday: I have a job interview at 11 am. I over booked myself for lunch... Which means I need to let the people know that I won't be able to go to lunch because I'll be at my interview. (bad lunch planner) I'm glad my friend Lauren is coming over to watch the girls. I need to start my laundry. (I HATE DOING LAUNDRY)

Wednesday: One of the lady's that raised me is becoming an American citizen. We are going to the swearing in and a friends house for a little party. (stilling doing laundry)

Thursday: Lauren's birthday!! Since Lauren is coming down to watch the pickles on Tuesday. I will be heading up to MD to watch Tater while she gets a massage! (hopefully done with laundry and began packing)

Friday: Finish packing and get everything ready for the beach trip. We leave at 12 midnight. Due to arrive at my rents house at 8 am. (we like going over night because the kids are asleep)

Saturday: Hang out with my rents.. I get to see my nephew!!! Little Alex :) Oh and my brother and Sister in law. We hang out there and spend the night. Hanging out with Noni and Papa... (Emma is SO excited)

Sunday: VACATION BEGINS: We head to the beach house!!!! YAY!!!!! THE BEACH!!!!!!! I can't wait... It will be Abbster's "first" time at the beach. She was too little last year to remember the beach. Emma is ready to make a sand castle.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Friday: okay, I didn't do anything exciting because I can't remember. (or its just cause I'm old)

Saturday: My husband got rid of some furniture on craigslist. People came to pick the stuff up. At first I was a little scared. I don't know these people but they seemed really nice and "safe". I went grocery shopping!! YAY!

Sunday: We actually met some of Emma's friends at a park and had a play date. It was nice to hang out with other parents and watch the kids play. I've tried to keep in touch with kids/parents from Emma's old school. She's grown up with them and they are like her family. You don't realize what an impact they have on each other until one of them leaves. :(

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Minnie Mouse

So, here I am walking at Tysons Corner today with Emma... Of course we have to stop by the Disney store. (can't get around that one) They have their Halloween costumes out. So, I ask Emma who she would like to be for Halloween. She tells me "Mommy, I want to be Minnie Mouse". I can see her as Minnie Mouse. I look at the price of the costume that she's going to wear one time... $39.95. That's not including ears but it does include the gloves. I would have to buy shoes too. GOOD GRAVY!!!!

So, I'm on the hunt for a Minnie Mouse costume LESS than $55.00 (ears/costume).. Wish me luck! :)

The Fab Life of Young Hot Royals

So, I'm sitting here watching this show on VH1. The Fab Life of Young Hot Royals. Its amazing to see how many young, hot and royals there are. And here I thought it was just Prince William and Prince Harry!!! First of all, OMG I want to be young and hot. Second, I want to be rich and royal.

Why couldn't my parents be King and Queen of Madrid. I would love to be able to live in a castle or yacht. I could see myself spending lots of money on Gucci or Prada. I could totally see it.. "Princess Sarah, would you like cristal with you lunch" "HELL YEAH!"

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I did it!!

Saturday was the day.. Yes, I got my tattoo!!! It's on my left shoulder blade. I went with one of my best friends... (Keya) We went there on Friday night but Cory (manager) was busy and couldn't fit me in. He told us to come back tomorrow at 11:30 am. I was like okay... So, we went to eat.

We got there and there was a line. I couldn't believe it. A line.. So, we got let in and Cory saw us and said we were next. He told us to come back at 1pm.. At this point I thought I was going to die. The anticipation was totally killing me. Mainly, I wanted to know how painful this was going to be.... When we got back to the tattoo place, Cory was ready for me.

We walk back to his room. Keya sat down, he placed the tattoo trace on my shoulder blade and I laid on the table. I thought I was going to cry. Keya offered me her hand to hold. I told Cory that I might cry.. I'm a pretty big wuss. "It might hurt for the first moment but you'll be fine after that" Cory said... I was thinking.. OKAY I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS.... I gave birth twice.

To my surprise, it didn't hurt at all. I mean it was a little uncomfortable but I would totally do it again. So... maybe it isn't may last tattoo. Keya has new found respect for me. I didn't cry/scream/flinch or move. Cory was awesome and would totally go back there. He did a great job!! YAY for me!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

One of the reasons why I love my oldest pickle

I was putting Emma to bed tonight and I realized how much I love this kid. Every night we read books. She reads one, I read one and daddy reads one. (when he's home and not working late) Anyways, tonight it was just me and Emma. It was nice to have this time with her.

I usually dread it b/c she plays me like a violin. "MOMMY DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP!!" she does this screaming/crying at the top of her lungs. Remember Abbster is sleeping in the next room. I usually get frustrated and start yelling (bad mom) but its like please don't wake up your sister...... Plus, at that point I'm tired and I just want to get it over with.. I know HORRIBLE MOMMY!!!

But tonight was different! Tonight it was cool to put her to bed. I actually enjoyed it. As I read her the story, she was asking me all these questions. She was SO animated and happy to have all my attention. I can see her smile and being happy before she goes to bed. Much better than the screaming/crying/whining... I realize that she just wants to be with me by herself. I also realized how much she actually loves me and wants to spend her time with me. I knew she loves me but I think its different when you look in her eyes and you can see it. How excited she was to read me her story. I know cheezy but I love her so much!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yes I'm 33 and getting my first/only tattoo!!!!

I'm doing something on Friday that I should have done when I was in my 20's. I'm getting a tattoo. Yes that's right... I'm going to get a tat. Am I scared... HECK YES!!!! Its taken me awhile to figure out what I want and where I'm going to put this bad boy. So, here we go...

I want a hibiscus flower (as you see to the left) and 2 ladybugs on the leaves to represent the pickles. Where you ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. I'm very excited that I'm doing this. The best part: I'm going with one of my best friends in the whole world... She has 2 tats. I know she will take care of me. She knows what a chicken I can be. I'm hoping she will be there holding my hand as I scream "OMG WHAT AM I DOING!!!" (just kidding) I'm good.. I can handle it. Its just a needle poking me 50 million times in one spot. ;-) So, say a prayer for me on Friday!!

Jon and Kate plus 8

OMG-I love this program. I look at Kate and say "WOW-You're a Rock Star"! I couldn't imagine having 8 kids. She's SO organized! She should be Mother of the year! She's my hero! If you haven't watched it yet.. Tune in on Discovery Health Channel.
I think: What do I have to complain about.. I only have 2 kids. I only have to worry about 2 kids in a public place. Only 2 meltdowns, 2 baths, feeding 2 kids, and 2 of everything... Hmmmm should we have another one... That would be 3.. Can I handle it? I have a couple of friends that have 3 kids. I'm amazed how organized and well behaved!! One friend has 3 boys.. She's great and her boys are the sweetest!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mother of the year.. that's me

Okay, so today I should get the Mother of the Year award. I woke up at 9:45am.. Yes, that's correct... I said 9:45 am. Emma was keeping Abbster company. I think the sad part is that my husband woke me up. I felt so bad. You see, the pickles usually wake up at 7:30 am. That's when my day begins. For some reason, I was sooo exhausted that I didn't hear them at all. Or they were being very sweet and letting mommy sleep in. Needless to say... We are all off schedule.

So, now that my schedule is all thrown off... What do I do... I have errands to run and I can't because Abby is asleep. Oh well, such is life. I'm still in shock that I woke up so late. If you know me... You know I wake up early and I get my things done before 2pm. So, I can relax before I need to fix dinner for the kids.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The little pickles

Everyone knows what pickles are... But you haven't met mine. My pickles are my girls, Emma (4) and Abby (13 months). Why do I call them pickles you ask... Well, sometimes they can be sweet and sometimes they can be sour.

So here's my story: I've been a stay at home mom for the past 13 months. After Abby was born, we decided that I would stay home. We still had Emma in a pre-school. It was great.. Emma would go to "school" and it would be me and abbster.
Well, everything changed at the end of June. My husband and I decided to take Emma out of school for the summer and maybe forever... (well not forever but she would stay home with me) I was so sad to take her out. That's all she knew. Plus, she's made some awesome friends. My heart was breaking but I knew that we needed to do this. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. I have friends that stay home and I thought if they can do it.. I totally can but was I really cut out to be a stay at home mom?

Well, its been almost 2 months and I can safely say I'm doing okay. I have my good days and bad days. I think the hardest thing is to entertain Emma. These questions run through my head... Was it a good idea to take her out of a structured environment? Am I giving her the attention she needs/wants? Is she happy being at home with me and Abby? And am I a good mom? I know all these questions and doubts are just floating around my head everyday. I think the main question in my head is... Do I go back to work and put the pickles in daycare?
I do know one thing: All I can do is my best and that's what I'm doing. I take it one day at a time and cherish every moment with my kids. I realize that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. If Emma picks out something to wear and it doesn match... At least she put her clothes on herself. If Abbister wants to go into bathroom, and plays with the toilet paper... Don't sweat it :-)