Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another little pickle on the way!

I know, I know... It's been a long time since I've been on here. There's been so much going on! Where to begin?????

As most of you know, we are having another little pickle. Infact, we are having another little girl. My poor husband. I told him the only way to have another male in the house is to get a dog. :)

So, we had a bit of a stressful weekend. On Wednesday I had a to go to specialist. There were signs that the baby might have Downs Syndrome. So, I had to do another sonogram and if those tests were inclusive than I needed to do an amnio. Well, those tests came back inclusive so, I needed to do an amnio. Talk about scared! So many emotions!!! This huge needle going close to the baby and the possiblity of the baby having downs. And being pregnant is just emotional to begin with...

So, here I am all emotional getting ready to get poked by this needle. Mean while, my doctor had the best bedside manner. Skinny Italian with thick Italian accent. He explained everything when he was doing it. I could see where the needle was going. He was telling me when the needle was going in and when he was taking the amnioic fluid. So after that was done, I had to take a personal day and Gary and I went to eat something. We wouldn't know the results for about 72 hours from the test. So, that would be Monday. TALK ABOUT STRESSFUL WEEKEND! I really tried not to think about it but here I am thinking about it all the time. I tried not to worry Gary either. He didn't want to talk about until we knew for sure. I can understand that but I wanted too. I thought it was good to talk about this.

Things would be different. Of course having 3 kids (girls) is going to be challenging, but the thought of having a baby with downs would be a little more challenging. But I knew that we would be up for the challenge. She would be perfect no matter what!

So, Monday comes..... Don't hear anything.. I go take a nap and still nothing. Gary called the doctor's office and they wouldn't give him the results because they needed to talk to me. So, I called. She told me that everything was fine and that it definitely was a girl. So, I guess its just one of those bumps in the road that life throws at you.

So, now I'm thinking about names. Gary won't even talk about it until I get closer to the due date. So if you have any ideas.... Shoot them my way. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen is a nice name!

Wow, sorry about the scare, I am sure that was two of the longest days in your life. So glad the news is perfect.

How about Chloe?