I was pleasantly surprised that the people their were actually very helpful and nice! They didn't have any attitudes and the customer service was great!
My 4 Little Pickles
Our life with 4 kid can sometimes be sweet and sometimes be sour.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Social Security Office
WOW let me tell ya!!! Don't ever go to the SSO unless you have too! Granted it was fast but man.... IT STINKS!!!! The smell was horrible! I felt like I was in an Indian, El Salvadorian, Persian and Chinese restaurant all in one!!! I busted out the hand sanitizer.
My wonderful husband got me a netbook for Christmas! It was a total surprise. Well like an idiot I left it down stairs with my unsupervised 1 year old.... So, he decided to play with the keyboard. Well... needless to say he broke 2 of my keys. The S and X. Luckily he got it at Costco! They have an awesome 90 day return policy. So today I returned the broken one and got a new one!
So, I'm typing on my new netbook! YAY!!!! Definitely hiding this one from the boy!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas presents!
I have to admit that I love buying Christmas presents for the family! This year we picked names. I got Gary. The other day he comes home and says "I was listening to NPR today and they were talking about giving Christmas gifts. How you to give gifts. One you can just buy one or you can think about doing some investigation of your gift giving."
OH CRAP! I actually have to think about this!!!! So, I decided I would give 3 gifts: 1. something that he might want 2. something fun 3. something practical. I have to admit I love getting things from UPS or Fed Ex. Its like Christmas for me.
Today 2 of his gifts arrived. Now I just need to wrap them! I can't believe that there is only one more week until Christmas. We are definitely done with the kids stuff. As for Gary getting me something..... I know he hasn't even thought about it because he's been busy with school (final exams) and work. Hope I don't get anything from CVS...... He's going to have to do some thinking about this and investigation! :-)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Doesn't understand sometimes...
How could a Grandmother threw their little granddaughter off a 6 story parking garage walk way. They sad thing was she was with her mom, grandmother and another family member. That poor little girl didn't know what was happening. I just can't imagine getting SO upset at my kids to do that.
I have a 2 1/2 year old and I can't imagine anything like that happening to her. I get freaked out sometimes when my 7 year old and 4 year old stay at my Aunt's house. Sometimes I can't sleep.
I will say if anyone EVER did anything to one of my kids... I promise you they will die or get badly injured and hunted down!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Photo Books are done and ordered!
So, snapfish had its daily savings (35% off 8x11 photo books) So, I jumped on the chance to get them today. I had to finish them and they are ordered. I'm really hoping they turn out okay.
This year we decided to pick names for the family again. We have a $15.00 limit. Gary takes 2 kids and I take 2 kids shopping. Its neat to see what they pick out. I do love the shopping. (I just love shopping for anything) Now looking up stuff online to get the kids. NO TOYS! Our basement looks like it got hit by a toy bomb already!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Photo books!!!!!
I'm such a dumba$$. I keep starting over with this stupid photo book for Christmas. Why you ask.... Let me start by saying that I did all this work on one photo book and realized it was the wrong type of book. So, I've decided to start over again.... Also I have all these AMAZING photos and I can't pick just one. I have a ton from trips to Connecticut and South Carolina. Its really hard to pick just some when they are all great photos. Then you look at the cost for these damn things!!! HOLY CRAP! I get 6 books and this is going to be a hefty penny! *sigh*
Dammmnnnn Photo Books!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Back to Blogging
WOW so much has happened to me since I last blogged. Life is very crazy. I still stay home with Lily and TJ. Abigail goes to Pre K and she loves it. Emma is in 2nd grade. I can't believe how big my baby is getting.
The two older girls are doing dance. They also did fall soccer and are planning to do soccer in the spring. It was really neat because I was the assistant coach for Emma's team. I actually really liked it so, decided to coach Abigail's team in the spring. Crazy I know but it gives me something.
Things have been up and down. Gary decided to take classes this fall. (plus working a full time job) Its been a little difficult. I'm definitely doing my best but sometimes I feel guilty because I don't feel like I'm doing enough. Gary has also had some hiccups with jobs. He got a new job, left the old one and realized that he was more stressed at the new job so, thank goodness his old job wasn't take and they were able to take him back.
I've also decided to look for a part time job. I'm hoping to find something I can do from home....
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