Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to Blogging

WOW so much has happened to me since I last blogged. Life is very crazy. I still stay home with Lily and TJ. Abigail goes to Pre K and she loves it. Emma is in 2nd grade. I can't believe how big my baby is getting.

The two older girls are doing dance. They also did fall soccer and are planning to do soccer in the spring. It was really neat because I was the assistant coach for Emma's team. I actually really liked it so, decided to coach Abigail's team in the spring. Crazy I know but it gives me something.

Things have been up and down. Gary decided to take classes this fall. (plus working a full time job) Its been a little difficult. I'm definitely doing my best but sometimes I feel guilty because I don't feel like I'm doing enough. Gary has also had some hiccups with jobs. He got a new job, left the old one and realized that he was more stressed at the new job so, thank goodness his old job wasn't take and they were able to take him back.

I've also decided to look for a part time job. I'm hoping to find something I can do from home....

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