Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turkey day in a nutshell

Wow that was fast. Its been pretty eventful! Gary made his first turkey. We had so many sides and pies. YUMMY! I think I've had my fill of turkey! My parents were great! Emma made cookies, played with playdoo, made a glitter picture, and made a mess. :) She had a great time with my mom and dad. Abbster was have a great time with my mom and dad.

The day before Turkey day, I wasn't feeling very well. I have had this feeling before. So, i stopped at the store and got a pregnancy test (the digital one). I came home, said hi to my dad, went up stairs, did my thing and called Gary... "Ummm honey - remember when I told you I thought I was pregnant.. Well, I was right.. I'm pregnant" Gary's response: "Are you sure?" My response: "yes, i got the digital test and it took a minute to say PREGNANT" LOL! I think Gar was in shock.

I came down stairs and asked my dad how the trip was and how is he feeling.. He asked me the same things. My response: "I'm good. I'm pregnant." His response:" When did you find this out?" My response:"About 5 minutes ago" His response: "You're going to give me a heart attack! Congratulations!" Funny day.

We are very excited. My first doctor's appointment is Dec. 4th.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The holidays are right around the corner!!!

So the holidays are right around the corner. I can't believe that turkey day is almost here and then Christmas.

Holiday plans go as followed:

Turkey day- We will be celebrating Turkey day at my Aunt's house in Old Town.. This will be the last Thanksgiving in this house. She and my mom are going to sell it. Don't worry they built another house right next to it. YAY! I'm hoping my parents come up. My dad is not really fond of driving up during that holiday because it is so busy.. But I got Emma to ask him. (she has him wrapped around all ten of her fingers) Funny thing about that.... I recall prior to having kids I was his little girl. After she was born, she became papa's little girl! When we went to visit this summer, we pulled up to my parents house and they literally went straight for the pickles. About 10 minutes later, I get this "Oh, Sarah how are you doing?" I've been pushed to the side by my own kids! Its awesome because the pickles LOVE their grandparents!
WOW that was a long rant! Anyways back to the subject at hand. Gary is going to do the turkey this year. Or so I think. We will see. If not, Sue and Boon (nannies) will be doing the turkey and he will make something else. My little Martha Stewart! :) So, we will be eating like royals for like 4 days after. Turkey sandwiches all around!

Christmas - Side note about Christmas... I get a week off for Christmas at work. Yes its true... I get from Dec. 24 - Jan. 1 off. How cool is that!!! YAY for me! Okay so this year... Gary decided he wanted to go to Connecticut for Christmas. We haven't been up there for Christmas since 2002. (long ass time) Last year we spend it with my family in South Carolina so, its only fair that we go to Connecticut this year. It will be nice! The pickles will LOVE IT. I just REALLY hate the cold. I think its cold down here.. Up there is like REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY cold. We have decided to start doing our Christmas shopping now. Usually we wait. We do know what Santa's bringing Emma. Abby is alittle different. She's small and doesn't understand that stuff yet. What to do!!! I feel the stress coming on!! We will have to see. As for Gar, I have to really think about it..... Any ideas, let me know!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


So, every year for halloween I drive my happy ass up to Gaithersburg MD. to go trick or treating with one of my best friends. This year was no different. Well it was because we have Abbster. Plus, every year at the same time Gar has a conference in PA he has to go to. This year he came down and met us in Gaithersburg. It was nice for the girls to see him.

Abby the Lovebug

Minnie Mouse and The love bug

Minnie Mouse

Can't wait to do it again next year! YAY!! I love candy!